Strava: Download GPX File

Follow these steps to download a GPX file from Strava's website.

Login to from Safari.

Note: The Strava iOS app may open after login. You may want to come back to Safari and manually enter the website again (

Step 1: Download GPX File

  1. Go to "My Activities"
  2. Open the activity with the Route you want to download.
  3. Look for a three dotted button on the left menu and tap it.
  4. Select "Export GPX File" option
  5. Tap on "Download" button
  6. The file will be saved to the "Downloads" folder in your iCloud Drive on the Files app.

Step 2: Add Route File to Weather Group

  1. Open Apollo Weather and create or edit a Weather Group
  2. Tap on "Add Route" button
  3. Tap on "File" button to open Files app
  4. Go to "iCloud Drive -> Downloads"
  5. Select GPX file
