Ride with GPS: Download GPX File

Follow these steps to download a GPX file from the Ride with GPS iOS app.

Step 1: Download GPX file from Ride with GPX iOS App

  1. Open the Ride with GPS app on your iPhone
  2. Go to "Home" and select a Workout
  3. Tap on the "Three Dotted" button on the top right of the screen
  4. Select "Export GPX" option
  5. Select "Save to Files" option
  6. Save to Files app (make sure you remember the directory where you saved the file)

Step 2: Add Route File to Weather Group

  1. Open Apollo Weather and create or edit a Weather Group
  2. Tap on "Add Route" button
  3. Tap on "File" button to open Files app
  4. Look for saved file (do you remember where you saved it?)
  5. Select GPX file
